Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Witness to the Resurrection of Marilyn Olson

Marilyn Olson, Mother's Day, 2016

On Saturday, June 25, 2016, we celebrated a service of witness to the resurrection of Marilyn Olson (my great-aunt) at Sewickley Presbyterian Church. On Wednesday, June 29th, we celebrated a graveside service in Jamestown, NY, where her remains were interred alongside my great-uncle, Ray Olson. What follows are the words of witness that I offered at the two memorial services, along with the recollection of a dream that I had on that Saturday morning.

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Journey to Jerusalem (6/26/16)

James Tissot, Looking Back--the Man at the Plow

This Sunday we continued to focus on our desire to see God's judgment visited upon others. We examined the ways in which Jesus practices grace, rather than judgment. We also examined the freedom that we have in and through Christ.
Mercy and Love Beyond All Understanding (6/19/16)

James Tissot, Jesus, the Gerasene, and the Unclean Spirits
In the wake of national tragedies, we often feel isolated, angry, and scared. And when we feel like this, we are tempted to lash out at folks who disagree with us or who don't believe as we do. When we cast our judgment on those who offend us, we forget that God alone has the power to judge.
Compassion and Grace (6/5/16)

James Tissot, Raising of the Son of the Widow of Nain

In this week’s sermon, we acknowledge the loss of two members of the community of faith at FUPC, Houston: Ed Snyder and Pat Westwater. We consider the question of suffering and how a merciful God could allow a faithful person to suffer. We also celebrated the Lord's Supper, an ever-present reminder of God's compassion and grace.
Are You Listening? (5/15/16)

Altarpiece, Church of the Holy Spirit, Singapore

Some Bible stories are so familiar that we fail to hear them with an appropriate sense of wonder. And some stories seem very quaint; they don't fit with our modern, scientific mindset. This is certainly the case with the story of Pentecost. The tongues of fire are strange and hard to believe, but this is a really important story. It's worth taking a closer look.
United In Christ’s Love (5/8/16)
With my mother, Kay Olson, on the night of my graduation
from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, June 6, 2014

It seems that I've fallen behind in posting my sermons. This is the sermon that I preached on Mother's Day. In this sermon I discussed our spiritual mother, the Church, and how we must work to share Christ's love and peace within the Church and outside of our churches, too.